
I have 18 days to get fit if i run how long should i run and what else should i do what should i eat?

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for soccer dont need to lose just get fit




  1. i usually try to get in 2 miles everyday or more. run 2 miles everyday or more and lift some weights too. and try not to eat as much and avoid soda and coffee and stuff.

  2. Well I'm in a similar situation for soccer myself.  I say what you need to do is jog at least 2 miles everyday and time yourself.  I don't know what level of soccer your playing but you should be 13 to under 15 minutes for the 2 miles(that should be pretty fit).  12 minutes is super fit, but that is around pro fit. You probably won't be able to do this the first day and shouldn't force yourself to do it the first day. Try to make your time faster each day you jog, little by little.

    After that it is very important that you do some kind of sprinting drills. Jogging alone is not enough for soccer, I learned that the hard way.

    The sprinting drills should be made up of short and long sprints.  You can also do suicides to really push yourself.  That is setting up about 5 cones(or some other object to mark your distance if you don't have cones) about 5 yards apart from each other in a straight line.  Sprint from cone 1 to 2 and then back to 1 then from 1 to 3 and then back to 1 from there to 4... and yeah until you do all 5.  It is hard but it will get you in shape. Also try to take a day off about every 5 or 6 days.

    If you can't get yourself up to doing sprinting drills by yourself try your best to get in a friendly soccer game everyday.  I always go to the park and play with whoever is already playing. Just make sure your pushing yourself in the games.

    For food, before your workouts(running) you want foods that are high in carbs like pasta.  Afterwords you should have things high in protein like tuna or steak.  Eat your greens and drink plenty of water. Also take everything in moderation.

    You can work out at a gym if you want to, but I don't think you have enough time to benefit from it.  Working out will improve your game overall though.

    Good luck.

  3. Do cardio (running in your case) for 30 minutes, stretch and do muscle training (sit ups, lunges, etc.) and eat 6 times a day, breakfast lunch and dinner and two snacks. Eating lean meat, chicken, and fish are your healthiest options. Whole grain pasta and brown rice are also good for you. Remember to eat alot of vegetables and fruits. The trick to this type of diet is to not over indulge. Control your portions and drink alot of water.

  4. talk to your coach, they'll love that you are being proactive...I say start off with a light jog, work your heart rate up then do interval training do sprints and then rest....

    eating lean proteins such as chicken, tofu etc and good carbs

    check out for more tips

    Don't forget that Stretching is very important!!!!!! before and after working out.....

    good luck and happy training!!!

  5. run 2 miles everday 300 situps etc oh and  eat healthy

  6. You should run 1 1/2 to 2 miles everyday (maybe a little more since you want to get fit so quick), and you should drink a lot of water, and just don't eat bad foods (obviously you're not going to o eat 5 donuts). Eat fruits and vegetables and try not to eat junk food.

    But 18 days to get fit isn't a very reasonable goal. Don't overwork yourself and don't eat as little as possible! You want to get fit, if you don't eat you'll just be even weaker ;)

    Good luck!

  7. u sould eat healty food and run for 1 mile everyday do push ups and set ups

  8. Diet pills or any kind of weight loss product that advertises no healthy eating or exercises is bad for you.

    I'm not going to tell you to diet because that's ridiculous. But as for exercise, that's needed for your body to stay healthy. Trust me. So read this, please. I'm not trying to offend you but this is just a suggestion to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.

    First of all, I really hope that throughout this process you're considering your health before your image. It's really not healthy to starve yourself by just drinking slim fast and protein shakes. This is a healthier version of weight loss that your body will thank you for!


    A. Go to your local gym. I personally love going to the YMCA and taking classes such as Spin, Boot Camp, and Xtreme Pump. They are an hour long each and REALLY help you to get fit!

    B. *If you can't afford a membership or just don't have the time, you could wake up early in the mornings or go out in the evenings for a nice run around your neighborhood. Bring an iPod or MP3 with you to pump yourself with fast-paced and easy going music.

    *You can also set a goal for yourself to do 100 sit ups, push ups, and stretches every morning and night, and before you take your run. It helps to build muscle and tone the areas that running doesn't focus on.

    Food: (THIS IS NOT A DIET)

    First and foremost, please DO NOT go on any crazy, unhealthy, starving diets. Still eat 3 meals a day with a snack between each.

    (and all of this is from my experience)

    *For breakfast, have a healthy cereal with a piece of fruit and a bagel. Drink orange juice and/or coffee with it.

    *Lunch, a plate of spagetti with low-fat garlic bread and a glass of milk. (BTW, if you drink 3 glasses of low fat milk a day, it helps to make your bones strong and make you leaner :D) Have some broccoli or another small portion of veggies on the side.

    *Dinner, similar to lunch: your basic entree, a portion of veggies, some milk and/or water

    Snacks can include healthy yogurts, fruits, and wheat thins. Drink water throughout the day, too. It helps to flush out your system and keep you hydrated throughout your exercises.

    It sounds like a difficult routine to get used to, but it's so easy once you get started. I do the exact same routine and I am now 115 lbs and VERY healthy and energetic! Working out will be difficult at first, but once your body gets used to using so much energy, it will crave it!

    And as far as eating before you exercise, you can do either

    *have a snack before

    *or have a full meal, then wait an hour before exercising

    and ALWAYS eat after exercising, and drink water!

    I hope I have helped you and GOOD LUCK!

    PS- as for results, you will begin to FEEL them before you notice them! if you exercise for 30 mintues to an hour 4-6 days a week, you can lose up to 3 lbs that week. It's healthy to only lose small amounts of weight at a time, like 2-3 lbs a week.

    Results on the scale are also different from your health. When you start exercising you will start to gain muscle, so it will seem like you're not losing weight when you step on the scale, but you will notice by your size.

  9. go to and set up a schedule on how far you want to be able to run in those couple of weeks. Also do weights twice a week, along with abs. You are going to want to work on sprints as well. But you for soccer if you are a midfield you will need to have endurance, you get your millage up.

  10. 1. no candy or soda for sure

    2. run about 2 miles a day (more if you can)

    3. during day & post run do crunches/pushups

    4. whole grains, vegetables (leafy green ones are best) & fruit

    18 days is a short amount of time... but i think you can definitely improve your conditioning in that time if you stay committed!

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