
I have 2 Options, Should I change Internet Explorer Browsers ?? Which is Better ?? IE 7 or IE 8 Beta 2 ??

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So I have 2 options right now, either to continue with my current Internet Explorer Browser which is Internet Explorer ( IE ) 7 or should I change my browser & Get IE 8 Beta 2 which came out to public just about 3 days.

I'm not usre What to do, I do love Internet Explorer 7 & I've been using IE 7 since september 2007.

But then again there's this new Browser called Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2.

Which do you think I should get ?? Should I stick with IE 7 or should I move onto IE 8 Beta 2 ??

Which Browser do you think is Better ?? IE 7 or IE 8 Beta 2 ????

Which is Better ??




  1. I am sorry my friend, but Firefox 3 ( ) pwns them all. xD It has everything that ie has and more. The only thing i see you being concerned about is silverlight, which can be installed on firefox, and sites that aren't comaptible with firefox (which there are very few), you can download an add-on called ie-tab. This will run the new tab that a website is ran in, in internet explorer format. So to officially answer your question, none of them are good...

  2. I think that naming one "better" than the other is dependent on the person doing the evaluating.  Just remember that any software that has the word 'beta' in it, is still in the testing mode.  I would suggest waiting for the full version (with no 'beta') and then decide for yourself which you like better :-)

  3. Well, I personally liked IE 8 better, but 7 was pretty cool. If you want the latest and greatest, get IE 8. If you prefer stable and a little behind, stick to 7.

    Personally, I would say drop IE and get Firefox. Firefox is much better and safer. If you want a bunch of other stuff, you can get LOADS of extensions. If you get too many extensions, then it will begin to get a bit slow. IE is a bit faster, but FF is much much better. Also, you can get an extension called IE tab. It will emulate IE inside of FF. You can right-click a tab or right-click a link and you can have them open as an IE tab.

    So, FF can replace IE, but whichever you want. Here are links to FF and IE tab if you want them.

  4. neither !

    Firefox 3.0.1

  5. Stick with IE7. Beta software is there for testers and developers, it isn't finished, and is more likely to cause you problems.

    You could also consider switching to an alternative browser:

  6. Simple get Firefox from here

    Its better, faster and safer than any of your options.

  7. Usually Beta anything is unstable (that's why it's beta) If your use to IE 7 then stick to it until a stable IE 8 version comes out because sometimes it can crash stuff etc.

    I personally like Fire fox but whatever floats your boat man.

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