
I have 2 angel fish will they breed?

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I have 2 angel fish will they breed?




  1. depends.

  2. Hey we cant s*x them because they are very alike.we cant say the s*x untill they spawn.there is chance if they are a femala and male .I wish they are.

    But when they start to pair ,they become to become more territorial.thus they become very nasty.............

  3. If they are  a compatible male and female, most probably.  It's difficult to tell a female from a male unless they're ready to spawn, but there are a couple ways.

    The best way to get a breeding pair ist to .buy 6 or more young angels and let them pair off on their own.  See 2nd site below, which is a chapter of the 1st site.  Good info on both, so check out everything here.

    You should have at least a 20 gallon tall tank for a mature pair of angels.  Keep a large flat piece fo slate or something similar, even a lenth of pve pipe. This must be kept vertical or nearly so.  They may spawn on the side of the tank or the filter tube if nothing else is available.  Another choice is a large silk Amazon sword.

    If you want to keep all the fry then you should remove the parents or the eggs.  However, angels usually make good parents and will care for the eggs and fry.

    But if you're referring to marine angelfish, none of this applies.  I know nothing about their breeding habits, other than it takes a male and female and they are egg-layers.

  4. It depends if they r of opp. s*x then they gonna rock ur aquarium

    bt if the r liesbians or g**s then god help them

  5. If it's a Male and a Female. There are special tanks that are meant for fish breeding. Sometimes certain fish breed in different condition tanks. I thnik i would be best, if you want them to breed, ask the people that work by the fishes. Normally they should be able to help you.

    Good Luck!

  6. That depends on if you got a male and female...also if the tank conditions are right.

  7. As long as you have a male and female yes they will in my experiance they are very easy to breed and do not require much specail care. They need a flat surface like a rock at about a 25-30 degree angle to lay eggs although i have seen them use the side of the tank as well. The tank itself should be at least 20 gal

  8. no because your tank is unsuitable

    why do you want them to breed you have to many fish as it is

    4 male guppies,4 balloon mollies,2 dalmation mollies,2 sword tails,2 angel fish,6 neon tetras ,2 platies and one female in 1 gallon tank help!

  9. no, they will grow deformed and die b4 they are old enough, check your yahoo e-mail.

  10. Make sure they r of different s*x. Better keep many such pairs if breeding is required.

  11. May be...... if one male and one female

  12. Ask them

  13. No fish stores usually only sell female fish.  

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