
I have 2 cats who hate each otehr help!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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My two cats are Female (8yrs) and Male (1yrs) the Female use to be so affectionate and now she doesnt even let us stroke her. She seems to hates the Male cat as everytime he gets near her to say hello she attacks him. Now she she seems to hate us aswell !!! I understand you cant make them like each otehr but how can i get tehm to relax around each other???? please help !?!?!?!




  1. That happened with my 2 cats, the older one started being antisocial towards US! We got the feliway stuff someone mentioned, worked a dream but the price!!! Ridiculously expensive!! So we did not get it again, instead we got tinned tuna. And we drained the tuna so what was left was tuna juice. And poured the tuna juice over both cats. Put both cats in the bathroom (because theres tiles instead of carpet and doesnt matter if the juice drips) then the cats forgot they hated eachother, and started l*****g eachother until no juice left. they had unintentionally spread their sent to eachother by l*****g, next time they met they thought "hmm i thought i hated this cat, but she smells of my licks so i guess not"

  2. That is normal but you may have to put on outside or in its own room,

    My female cat is 9yrs and she DOES NOT  let any cats around her at all....

    we cant even bring any kittens near the door when shes around :((

    And sometimes doesn't  let us touch her.

  3. It takes time, I had a male cat and a kitten female that got along great after a few weeks of the kitten being in the cage and the cat getting used to her.  I would put them together and not let them scratch eachother they they got used to being in the same room and now they sleep together

  4. You don't say how long you have had the male. It may take as long as 8 or more weeks for them to tolerate each other.

  5. i suspect your female cat is feeling pushed out .... and perhaps you don't make as much fuss of her when the kitten is around.... kittens are very demanding attention seekers!  Make extra fuss of her every time you go past, don't always give in to the kitten's attention demands, give your cat a little extra treat - up on a chair or a work surface the kitten can't get to, make extra time to play with your cat and ignore the kitten .... all these things will make your cat feel extra special and that you still love her .... they will also tell the kitten he is second and learn his place in the house ...

    Could also be that the kitten is trying to treat your cat as his mother .... only time and your cat will prove him wrong!


  6. I think this is another case for jerry springer!!!

    cats get jealous to you know, he has obviously taken the attention from her , at one time , and she feels as thow shes been pushed away

    as she is projecting her feelings towards you!!

  7. There's a trick to get them to like each other: spray them in the same smell. Buy Feliway and douse them in it. Its an artificial cat hormone that makes them relax and like whatever it is used on! It might be expensive but it reeeally relaxes them, plus you can use it on yourself as well haha. And the cage you use to take them to the vet.

    Theres also a feliway plug in diffuser for your socket that makes the room smell nice and makes them relax and be less aggressive.  

  8. solution =  click-clack......BANG BANG BANG.....BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG

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