
I have 2 children who are very different. I am looking into cyber schools?

by Guest61302  |  earlier

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Has anyone enrolled their children in 2 different cyber schools or is this not done? If you have, is there a problem with coinciding events, etc??

Any help is greatly apreciated.

Thank you!




  1. Not exactly.  But I HS one and have the other child in a B&M public school.  I use a HS curriculum that's used in many cyber schools - K12.  I've used it for over 5.5 yrs with my son.

    K12 teaches to all types of learning styles, which is very, very rare in the HS'ing market.  Like any curriculum, it won't meet every child's, or family's needs, but it's great.  If the cyber schools you're looking into use K12, that would be the best way to go, IMO.

    Having a "half and half" schooling set up in our home does get crazy at times with scheduling.  Just today my DD was to get out of summer school at Noon, but my DS was at a raptor rescue at camp and needed to be picked up at the same time - it was across town and out in the boonies from school.

    What generally happens when we're at HS events (ice skating, bowling, co-op, etc.) during the afternoon, other HS moms watch out for my DS at the event while I run home to meet DD's bus, or go pick her up at school.

    I'm sure there are plenty of families who use two different virtual schools.  For one, many of them are only K-8, and the high school cyber school is completely different.  It's really no different than one child being at an elementary school, and one in middle, or high school.  I know many, many HS'ing families who do all sorts of combinations - one in a cyber school, one in a B&M, and one traditionally HS'ed.

    You can make anything work that you put your mind to it - it just takes a bit of practice and schedule "fanangaling".  I use my Outlook calendar, and my cell phone (download the calendar to it) to remind me (pop up or sound) of appointments, activities, bus schedules, etc.  I also use Homeschool Tracker as our planner, agenda, and calendar.

    I would high recommend you attend the different cyber school open house sessions - whether online or IRL.

    Here's the list of K12 virtual school options in all states:

  2. This is a great idea. The wonderful thing about homeschooling is that we can "teach" to each child's needs and strengths. Do what is best for each child. You sound like you are a very caring mom!

    Warm Regards,


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