
I have 2 fish questions?

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okay about 4 months ago I purchased an algae eater fish (I believe it was a pleco because those are most common, it had like spotted light brown bottom like a leopard, and it had a small mouth and it clung to the glass and I bought it at Wal Mart), anyways it would always stick to the back of the tank by the filter about the spot where the water came down. 2 days later it died, anyone have an idea why?

I'm doing a lab with bloodworms tomorrow my teacher told me fish love eating bloodworms. I have Orange Goldfish I was wondering will it kill the fish if I feed it to them, I doubt anyone has like ever tried it but even if you've heard anything about it plz respond




  1. Your fish probably died just because it came from Wal Mart:( They dont take the best care of their tanks, and im sure the levels are through the roof. Its not all uncommon for fish to die within the first few days of being in your tank, so it most likely had nothing to do with the filter. Either way though, i'd still check the levels in your tank.

    Fish love bloodworms. Your goldie won't get sick, either:) They aren't parasites so you dont have to worry about him getting infected by them. My fish go crazy over bloodworms:)

  2. Bloodworms are great for fish. I feed them to my fish all the time. I have frozen and freeze dried bloodworms. Your fish would love you.

    Also, you Pleco probably died because you bought it from Wal Mart.

    Fish from places like that tend to have a lot of dieases so yea.

    Plus you don't want a Pleco...people don't realize they grow fast and most people don't want to get larger tanks for them.

  3. idk and idc

  4. they are not parasites , your fish will like them, the worms won't like your fish

  5. you fish was probaby sick thats why it stayed by the filter.

    call a vet ask them if you can give a goldfish bloodworms!


  6. Bloodworms won't kill fish.

    Actually, they are sold in pet stores all over.

    You fish might or might not like them though so only feed a little until you know for sure so that you don't pollute the tank.

    And normally, at Wal-Mart the "algae eaters" are Chinese Algae Eaters or a variation thereof. If the whole fish was dark brown and mottled [sort of spotted and blotchy], then it was a pleco. To have a pleco, you need a huge tank- around 55 gallons because they grow to be 18" easily. Also, they are warm, tropical water fish. It could have died because of the water being too cold, they can't withstand a goldfish's temperature.

    Also, if you have a fancy goldfish, you would be better off without an algae eater. Often, they will suck on the sides of fancy goldfish because they are large, slow moving and fat bodied fish. It will eventually kill your goldfish. Chinese algae eaters are notorious for that. They don't eat much algae either, when they are small, they do but once they get bigger, they really aren't interested in it and don't do a thing for cleaning the tank. Plecos also get quite aggressive when they get old so they need room to move and hide to keep them from going after other fish.

  7. just call a vet and ask them


  8. goldfish are primarily vegitarian fish, a treat of a couple bloodworms once in a while will do them no harm but only as a treat, as a main diet he would not be getting the nutrients needed.

    anything could have killed the pleco, from disese to the wrong water conditions..."bottom feeders" and "algea eaters" are tropical fish requiring heated water and specific water parameters.

  9. Hehe not sure bout the blood worms.

    The algae eater has died either because of poor water conditions or lack of food. I think it should have been able to survive for atleast 2 days without a food. However, they're pretty much hardy and if he died due to poor water conditions then other tank members should have been dead too. I would say the fish had a disease from the store.  

  10. 1. Dont feed your gold fish bloodworms

    (not the salt water or predatory kind ) it will kill your fish. I tried it many years ago and it attached it self to the fish and killed it a few days later. If its the one I think your talking about. I mean only the big ones can be used in labs. Some poeple use them as bait in salt water area's and they are much larger than the ones that are freeze dried for food for fish.

    2. It sounds like you had a gold nugget pleco. I could be wrong.(sorry if I am) and the cause was it could have died from starvation, a disease from the store, or shock. Algea eaters are narrow and goldish in color and have round suction cups with a bronze shiny back side. and can affix it self to a larger fish at night and feed off it if there is no other food around.

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