
I have 2 horse that are Chincoteague are they have been out of work how do i start traning ?

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i have 2 horse that are Chincoteague are they have been out of work how do i start traning them and i want to jump them how would go from westen to jumping any tips ?




  1. The Monty Roberts tip is a good one. He's techniques work extremely well.

    Once you are under saddle do cavelletti work for several weeks starting at a walk, than a lot of trotting over them. Eventually raise them off the ground and continue to do a lot of trotting over them with some canter work. Eventually work up to 2 foot jumps.

    You also should do some basic dressage to get the horses off their front ends which is how western pleasure horses are trained. Once you have lunging under control start using side reins to help them get their back end under them and good propulsion out of them. This will give you and the horse a lot more control when going over fences

  2. Try Monty Roberts join up in a round pen 70 ft. in circumference. It will work.

  3. start by lunging them and then slowly start working them under saddle. First at only the walk and trot and then slowly adding on the canter. Do a lot of circling exorsizes and maybe use some draw reins further into thier training. Work over ground poles and caviletti. You can free-lunge them over some fences before you ride them over them also to get them used to the whole jumping thing. Hope this helps!

  4. First of all please, please, please enlist the help of a professional, for your well-being and the horses. Find a good trainer that is knowledgable and experienced and one that will work with you on working with them and improving your skill. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, just go and watch online videos and read books on how to do it. It does not work at all. It may help you some but you really need lots of experience to work with horses. Please go find a good trainer. They can help you alot.

  5. start slow and if the seem in pain do to wight on there back stop stop

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