
I have 2 kids on medicaid. My oldest lives with her father. I have to get ins. on her and can't afford it help

by  |  earlier

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I can't apply for chips or medicaid on her cause she don't live with me. but her father makes too much to get it. I have responsibility to insure her but I cant find affordable coverage.




  1. what mothers have to go thru sometimes.. my grandparents and i have been using our linx2health medical saving card.. it's not health insurance, but offers reduced amounts of money on any type of doctors visit (medical, dental, vision, prescriptions, etc...) check for info about yoru states. Hope this helps!

  2. Does her father have a job? Does that job provide health insurance? If so, have him add her to his policy. If he has physical custody of her and she is  a minor - he should be able to do that. It will be the cheapest way to insure her.

  3. Why can't her father get insurance on her?

  4. I dont know if this helps or not, but it is an option worth looking in to.  It is Discount Health Benefits.  It is perfect for someone who is uninsured or underinsured. The monthly fee is very reasonable, and the savings are great! Check out this wesite for more info.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Why do you have to get insurance on her?

    That doesn't make sense unless you have shared custody, and even then it sounds like you're saying that he is the custodial parent, so why do you have an insurance liability?

    If she lives with her father, he should be getting any financial aid that is in her name, especially any government based aid. Why are you applying for her aid if she doesn't live with you?


    That makes more sense if you have been ordered by the court to pay for the daughter's insurance.

    Have you looked into COBRA insurance?

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