
I have 2 kids & they have different dads.?

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my 7 year old boy doesn't see his dad and now my 2 year old dad wants to start seeing son is very upset by the whole thing and has started to even wet the bed. I really don't know what to do....




  1. if the 2 yr olds dad wants to see her, then let him see her. let the 7 yr old know whats going on and when the baby's dad comes to see her, make sure you spend quality time with the 7yr old so he doesnt feel left out. when i was younger, my little brother's dad always came to pick them up for the weekends & i felt left out, but when my mom & i went out together it made me feel a lot better. just let him know that he still has you & that you love him. good luck!

  2. Talk to them.  Explain the situation to them.  If you can allow them to see their dads, that's fine, but if this isn't possible, arrange for them to see them at least for the holidays.  If that isn't possible, just tell them the truth.  Do not conceal anything from them.  Get a picture of their dad and put it by their bed so they can see it every day.  This helps some.  Also tell them good things about their dads.  Children, somehow adjust.  The younger child who is wetting the bed will need some TLC-- just tell him some Bible stories or bedtime stories each night with bright, colorful pictures.  He will go to sleep feeling so loved and good.  Be Blessed Now -- Toni D.  

  3. I think you need to be honest with the kids. Tell them though they have different dads, they are siblings because they have the same mom.

    What is your relationship with their dads like now? You need to maintain good relations with both and let them spend time with their kids too.

    Sometimes you need to put your feelings aside for other's happiness.

  4. I understand what you feel as a mother.  Anyway try to talk to your son. Gradually tell him the truth. And just give him a supportive words like, it happens sometimes so when you grow up you will understand, something like that can support his question. I know it's a bit harder in your part.  But now a days we don't look at the so called" broken family"  It happens and we don't like it no matter how hard to think about it. We don't used that words anymore as a mean of downgrading a family. People generation today is quite different from before.  We are more broad minded. If you can talk to the father of your 2 old daughter much be better to give him attention also. It's up to how you ask that favor to the guy.  Good luck.

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