
I have 2 out door door dogs one mixed and, one pitbull. Flies eat at my mixed breeds ears and not at my other.

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I have tried various fly repelants and none have been sucsessful. fly strips,fly traps,spays,fly off,vinagar,ect. I have brought my mixed breed in the house so he can heal but it is an inconvinace for me and fiance. Because he is so big he pulls her to the ground. So, im at a loss can anyone help me my dogs ears are bad. Thanks




  1. Dogs outside cannot be protective of you- or enjoy the respite from pests that they deserve. What good to throw a ball once a day and say you have a dog, that's no life for the dog. They need to interact with the family to have a full and meaningful life. They can't even choose a spot without biting flies! All repellents must be reapplied. Please consider giving them the comfort of the kitchen penned off at least. Good luck.

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