
I have 2 pearkeets and the female is always puffed and her peak is gotten biger is she gonna lay eggs or sick?

by Guest64044  |  earlier

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my female parakeet its being strange its always puffed and her peak looks like its gotten bigger she used to go out the cage and go around the house but now she dont do it no more.




  1. When parakeets are ready to mate the females nose (Right above her beak) turns dark brown and the male turns bright blue, then you need a small NEST or they will not lay their eggs, your parakeet however seems sick, take her to the vet

  2. She's either egg-bound or sick; either way, it's a very serious and urgent situation and she needs an avian vet now.

  3. Sounds like she might be a little sick. Unless you tried to have them mate but you would need a special breeding box for that. Mine were puffed up and I put vitamins in their water designed for parakeets and they got better.

  4. she is sick

  5. maybe she just cold move them away from any drafts x

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