
I have 2 pet cockatiels they layed eggs on july 6 2008 and they havent hatched yet

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but they still sit on them are they ok or not ok i would like some help thx




  1. I have one cockatiel lol wich isn't probably much help well if u look at humans they dont get the baby for about 9-10 months so wait a little longer and if u don't feel comfortable with situation-go to the vet.

  2. Throw it away. It's no good anymore. It takes 18-22 days for an egg to hatch. Make sure your cockatiels always have a great stock of food and even snacks, it takes so much energy to take care of eggs. It can also be life-threatening to some birds who don't switch places to take the time to eat up.

    Not all cockatiels are the same, some are better at breeding than others. Some don't actually throw out the no good egg, and some do. I have two successful mates who have raised three beautiful cockatiels, and other mates who have not had any eggs hatched. I throw out all of the bad eggs for they won't waste their time and efforts on something that isn't going to happen.

  3. they don't hatch in a short time. give them a several months.

  4. have they been stiing on them ifnot buy an incubator

  5. It takes 3 weeks for them to hatch and please don't touch them just wait and watch, if they aren't going hatch the mother bird will abandon them soon. Good Luck!

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