
I have 2 questions about babysitting. Please HELP!?

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I babysit a 7 year old girl and all she does is play on the computer and watch tv. She never does anytihng else and she gets everyhting she wants and if she doesnt she will have a fit. For ex., one time I would not give her candy after bedtime, so she said she hated me and would tell her mom and dad she hates me and to never come back. So, they did not call me for about a month. Also, she will not go to bed, even if I threaten to call her parents. And when I do tell her parents, they do not punish her! So How do I get her to bed, fun activities (non electronic), and something to say back when she is bad. Sorry for all the typing!




  1. dont watch the child becausehe is spolied and parents of today dont tell thier kids a thing so let them watch her they self watch somebody kids who dont mind you punishing them not hitting but taking things away that they love trust me alot of people no their kids bad like mine so who eva watch them have the right to punish them because sometimes they act a fool

  2. If I were you I would not babysit that kid again. If she is not respecting you and if the parents arn't doing anything to help you should find a new kid to babysit.

  3. Why do you want to babysit this child? Get over her and find someone new to babysit. Gosh!

  4. The first rule is consistency. If you say you are going to call her parents, do it. If you don't, she won't take you seriously. To get her to go to bed, try reading her some books or sitting next to her and talking with her to relax her. Also, don't go from running around to bedtime, slow her down about 45 minutes before bed so that she is calm.

    Non-electronic games: Scavenger hunt, tag, hide and seek, board games, play house or some other imaginative game like school. Does she have barbies?

    Also, tell her parents about how you feel and see if they can give you any pointers on what they do to get her away from the electronics, how they put her to bed, and how they discipline her if she is not behaving.

  5. i think u should read her a book. or talk about what she likes to do... and maybe ask her what places she would like to visit try to make her your friend.... children allways feel special when they get attention....

  6. She needs a whipping

  7. Well this my sound bad but in a good way just lay with her and try to let her go to sleep!!  Thats what i had to do when o babysitted over the summer!!  and it that don't work just sit down and talk to her parents!!!

  8. The sad thing here is the parents pander to her and they are creating a spoiled rotten B R A T.  Ever hear of Veruca Salt?

    If I were you I'd not babysit for them anymore. It doesn't sound like it's worth the headache to try and deal with a child who won't cooperate and who is that mouthy and spoiled. Her parents are in for a wild ride when she hits her teen years.

  9. When I was a teenager, my 12-year-old stepsister moved in with us after living with her mother all her life, from the other side of the country.  Needless to say, she had a hard time going from being an only child to a house with four other children! Since I was the built-in-babysitter, I got the worst of it. When our parents would leave, she went from little angel to the brattiest kid on the planet.  Anytime I asked her to do something, i.e. clean up her own plate after dinner, go to bed, etc. she would throw a huge fit.  I ignored her. I let her throw her tantrums, and mostly didn't respond. When she threatened to tell her Dad how "mean" I was being to her, I told her to go right ahead, and when the parents got home, I made sure to let them know what had happened, exactly what I said, etc.

    My favorite response to "I hate you!" at bedtime was, "that's fine. You can hate me, but do it from your room."

    Unfortunately, your babysitting charge probably acts this way because the parents allow it. There's nothing you can do to change that.

  10. You are the babysitter, so sounds like you have it made.  Just do what the kid says and dont worry about it?


    Things sure have changed since I was growing up.

    Obivously the child has never been taught to respect the adult supervision, and the computer games and TV have been babysitter until you came along.

    I would not push it,, just let her type and eat all she wants and collect your pay.

    Sorry, but true,

  11. Just Quit ... Telling something to the parents probably won't work. Because most of the time the parents already know. Thats why kids are so spoiled these days.

    It's not worth the headache. And there is plenty of families out there that need good babysitters.

    Also, now it seems like the babysitters have to do the interviews. Not the parents .. lol

  12. Sorry but you should not waste your energy babysitting this child.The kid sounds spoiled and on top of that it sounds like mommy and daddy are just giving her what she wants and don't want to deal with her themselves.Please move on so that the parents can deal with their problematic child.It is a much bigger issue than it seems.I'd suggest a parenting class for the parents!

  13. If it were me, I wouldn't babysit for her again.  If the parents aren't backing you up and they don't hold the same values as you do about not spoiling kids, and setting limits for things like candy and computers, its no use trying to get her to listen to you.

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