
I have 2 tv's and 1 digital cable box. I'd like to view all my channels (including premium), what do I do?

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My cable company now requires 2 boxes in order to view all channels (including premium) of both tv's. Since I have one digital cable box I've already attached the splitter and cable wire, and I've had that for years. As of today all I get is the basic channels on the other tv. What should I do? I mean...I guess I can spit out some money and get another box from the company...but maybe I don't have to? Thanks.




  1. Well, sorry to say this but...

    You do need 2 cable boxes to view different channels that are PREMIUM CHANNELS....and HD channels too.

    Other than that, you can stay with ONE cable box.

    And I didn't mention CABLE CARDS because Comcast, and Time Warner BOTH have problems making them work reliably all the time.

    They're Worthless ......and the Cable Guys know it....and the TV TECHs know it too....

  2. I'm afraid you do. Splitting will carry all signals, but the decoding of subscription services is done within the box, whether by card or by inbuilt receptor. Your second box has no decryption protocols reaching it, and so won't decrypt.

  3. What you do is pay the extra $10/month for the second decoder box.  That's the only way it will work.

    OOPS.  B4 is also correct.  I forgot about the cable card slot.  If your cable box is high-def, then you most likely do have a cable card.  Still, to add a second, you'd still have to pay a monthly fee.

    I just watch the good stuff on the main 47" TV, and the bedrooms watch the regular cable channels.

  4. If the cable box has both hdmi and component output jacks (uncommon) you could hook up both--but you'd be watching the same channel on both.  Does one set have a cable card slot?  If so most companies rent cable cards for less than boxes

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