
I have 2 young female unspayed rabbits. One mounted the other. Does this mean that one's a boy?

by  |  earlier

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They were only purchased as babies two weeks ago and are kept outside in a small house with large run.




  1. No, it just means they're being normal critters.  They'd be quite happy with a boyfriend now and then - but are you ready for a bunny population explosion?  I you're not, leave 'em to their own - um - devices.

  2. either that or theyre lesbians

  3. No, rabbits cant be L*****n or homo...  You should check twice to see if its a boy or girl.

  4. it is very difficult to s*x rabbits, and petstores will sometimes get it wrong.  i suggest you take them to the vet for a professional sexing, as well as a check-up to make sure they are healthy.  rabbits can get pregnant very young (3-4 months) so if they are opposite s*x, they will have to be separated until altered.

    humping is a dominance thing.  both sexes will do it.  it's not always sexual, it's just them saying, "nope, I am in charge!!!"

    here is more info about why to spay/neuter your rabbits... it's not just for preventing pregnancy.

  5. you will know in a little while

  6. Well it would seem so unless they are homosexual, which is possible.

  7. Yes i belive so

  8. are you saying there cant be L*****n rabbits?

  9. well acully this means that there ready to mate but if one has a baby then you have a boy and a girl.

  10. If they are babies, you should get both of them fixed. The mounting is a dominance thing. They could be both boys, both girls, or a boy and girl. Rabbits of the same s*x do sometimes live together. it is uncommon but it happens. If they start biting and fighting aggressively then separate them. Pet stores often dont know what the h**l they are talking about when it comes to figuring out gender.

    And just because they enjoy the company of the same gendered rabbit, does not mean that they are lesbians. Rabbits only know if a rabbit is nice and if it isn't.

  11. haha ur asking for inappropriate answers. U may have thought they were both female one might be a boy or they are L*****n rabbits that would be so funny

  12. no, considering they`re teenagers by now that means they`re probably in heat. or they`re just lezbos.

  13. If they're still babies then that is just something they're going to do. I think that either they are playing, or they're being homosexual and will eventually, and hopefully grow out of it.

    My friend had to keep two male goats in his back yard once, they were very young too, and they did that. So I think they'll grow out of it.

  14. Lessies... lmao

  15. lol i don't think thats what it means,

    cause i have to girl dogs and they've done that before

    it  scares me :P

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