
I have 200$ and don't know what to buy?

by  |  earlier

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I have 200$ and my parents won't let me buy a pet,

I have an ipod touch, and a DS, and our wii belongs to our family, do you have any cool ideas for something to get that I will use? (I plan on buying Will Wrights Spore this fall)




  1. clothes


    how about those things that have pages and writing on them...what are they called...oh ya...BOOKS...why don't ya give your brain a break from video games and put some knowledge into it...

  2. why do you save it up?

  3. Have you been reading. If i were you, I would by some BOOKS!

  4. Well if you save that for a little, you could buy a laptop. Now you could buy a PSP.

  5. That's a lot of money. Maybe you could buy yourself something you have wanted and then buy a bunch of toys and donate them to a local shelter so that children who have very little can also have something nice to play with. I bet you will have a lot more happiness making someone else happy than you would with all just for you.

  6. Why do you have to buy something? Why don't you save it or invest it. Then if you think of something later you will have the money to buy it.

  7. Ok bye an American girl doll.

    Ok you may be thinking that thats a really childesh thing to buy but there really cool. Me my cousin and my sister each have one!!! there really cool.

  8. save up and buy a Xbox 360

  9. Save up for something you really want. You don't have to go and blow $200 just because you have it.

  10. psp or somthing

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