
I have 200 dollares wat do i do with it?

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I have 200 dollares wat do i do with it?




  1. Save it! Then put some serious thought into what you could do with it or what you could buy with it or keep saving it for a rainy day or an unexpected expense that could come up!

  2. DEPENDS where you come from, if your from Vietnam I suggest you save some, buy some food pay some future bills and have a little fun only.  Take care :)

  3. if you're in vietnam i would say spend half on your family for tet and save the rest. if you're in america you and a friend could have a really good dinner!

  4. Share it with me...I'm destitute.

  5. send it to me!

  6. rip it into

    you should save it in a bank.

  7. Are you in vietnam? with 200$, you'll be the queen overthere!!

  8. In Hanoi you could go do Bia Hoi for a month or more, depending on how much you can drink.  Cheers

  9. Saving is one of the best habit i can think of.

  10. Simple :))

    Bet all money on Arsenal to beat Manchester United in this afternoons football game for score to be 3 - 1 to Arsenal and then you will then have 400 dollars :))

  11. Deposit in the Bank right away, please

  12. YOU SPENT IT!!!

    SHEESH!!! People can be so strange and innocent sometimes!!!

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