
I have $2000 left in my account, but im unemployed what should i do>>>>?

by  |  earlier

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I was a former carpenter here in southern california, but its really slow the company i use to work for laid of like everyone except for two guys that are doing the last little things. So i have $2000 left, but it wont last forever and with everything so expensive like gas and food i need an income, so im thinking on investing on somethink like opening an account on forex currency trading, or selling stuff on ebay, but what is selling these day? thanks a lot people




  1. go to this

  2. First and foremost FORGET about Forex.

    It will suck your money(what you have) so fast from you-you'll be shocked!-Very Tricky.

    You've got a skill- that's a positive attribute.

    Be smart with how you buy things-budget. Perhaps you can buy some tools to help set yourself up to do odd jobs for people that need fix ups here and there.- Charge farely and you will begin to see that you are capable to make it on your own.

    Just the mere fact that you are concerned about your

    $ 2000.00  indicates that your responsible- trust yourself to be independent.

    One good way to get the word out there is run some local classifieds-in the papers- under Services, You might want to title it " Honey-Do-Repairman"

    Good Luck !

  3. just look for another job, you couldnt make another money if you tried on ebay and trading to last sorry but its the truth, vegas always has jobs for carpenter's

  4. Are you getting an unemployment check?  Start now in cutting back maybe share the rent It looks as if this well last for awhile Times well be hard for awhile Sorry not much help We have all been there Good luck

  5. Investing is very risky unless you know what you are doing.  Try to get another job.  You could advertise your services on

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