
I have 25 days to get in better shape for

by Guest57185  |  earlier

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I'm 5'9 or 5'10, a girl, and I'm 14.

I'm trying to lose weight/ get in better shape for basketball and I was wondering if anyone knew any exercises/ basketball drills I could do everyday.

Whenever I work out it's usually for about 2 hours, so i'm sure I can fit a lot of exercises in there.

And I play Forward, or a 4 or 5.

This will be my freshman year of highschool.

Any advice, drills, or exercises?





  1. Spend the first two weeks doing distance running, increasing your distance/time a little bit every other day.  That builds a base for starting speed training in the remaining time.  Jumping drills, called plyometrics (google it and see the things you find), should be done twice a week.

    If you can weight train, work on your quads, hamstrings and calves, as well as your shoulders.

  2. 25 days is not enough time to get in shape. it would be unhealthy to force that upon yourself. you could try crash dieting or running a lot, but you need to be carefull about your health. your health is way more important than basketball.

  3. uh good luck i tried out and didn't make it. practice lay ups, suicides. i think you will make it though you are taller than i am.Im 5'2. do crunches, run everyday and practice,practice your shots. push ups and maybe some jumping drills do jump rope and definitely run and weights. good luck okay i hope you do make it though.

  4. Well, if you have a basketball hoop in front of your house, then play basketball for about 25 minutes 4-6 times a day, eat healthy of course, drink water and like gatorade or something, and just playing and playing and playing. Thats what I did and I needed to get in shape for basketball too.

    Drills - Well you can do 10 lay ups from each side of the hoop, 10 mid-range shots from the left, right, and middle of the basketball hoop, and jump alot on your toes, you will be able to jump very high. And something that helps me a lot is like punching a heavy bag or even like the air or something, it will make your hands very fast and you will be able to steal the ball well.

  5. eat healthy!

  6. Take it slowly

    Rushing things don't go well

    Eat healthily, and try not to eat too much junk food

    I'm not an exercise person, so I don't know any basketball drills etc

    But don't forget your health!

    And good luck for the game

  7. Go to, look under player tips, then practicing,conditioning, and nutrition (one catagory).  

    This particular website has all you need to know and learn to become a better basketball player, from conditioning to skill drills, offenses, defenses.  Very informative site.

    Nor Cal

    HS Coach

  8. The first thing you need to do is ignore the people telling you 25 days is not enough time to get in shape.  At 14 it's plenty of time:

    1.  I would start out with some distance running, maybe a mile every other day, depending on what kind of shape you are in already.

    2.  Simple ball handling drills.  I know you're a 4 or 5, but it's important at every position.  I'm sure you've done the basic figure 8 dribbling drills, things of that nature.  Do them every day.

    3.  Facing the basket.  When you are doing shooting drills facing the basket it is important to put some movement into it.  It will help you get in shape, you'll learn to be balanced, and you'll be shooting in more game like situations.  Start at the top of the key and take 1-2 dribbles toward the basket, stop, square up, and shoot.  Concentrate on your balance.

    4.  Back to the basket.  As a big this is obvviously very important.  Work on post moves from both blocks using both hands.  Power dribble towards the baseline and use your left hand on the left side, right hand on the right side.  Do the opposite when going towards the middle of the key.  Don't forget about ball fakes, mix it up while you're practicing.  Sometimes go straihg to the basket, sometimes shot fake first.  Make it as realistic as possible.

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