
I have 3 blueberry plants in pots about 2 ft. 2 yeasrs old but no sign of any flower or fruit what can i do ?

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I have 3 blueberry plants in pots about 2 ft. 2 yeasrs old but no sign of any flower or fruit what can i do ?




  1. It sounds like your soil mixture isn't correct.  I have eight plants in 14" pots that have a mixture of 1/3 part 1/4" pathway bark; 1/3 peat moss; and 1/3 part garden soil that has leaf mold or forest humus in it; to each pot I sprinkle in about 3 tablespoons of azalea food.  The blueberry roots are very shallow and they are thirsty little guys; so you shouldn't let them dry out--especially since they're in pots.  Everyday (well, most everyday) I pour my leftover black coffee, that has cooled) on one of the plants, along with the spent coffee grounds.  That assures that they will get the correct pH (acidity) that they need.  I've also got more than one type of blueberry which makes your chances for berries even greater.  Good luck!  I have to shoo the birds away from my berries-Hope the same happens for you.

  2. two years old is not very old.  Maybe you'll get flowers next year, or the year after.

  3. Stop pruning them.  Blueberries should be 5-8 feet tall.  You might be cutting off all of the fruit and flower buds!

  4. Blueberries need very acidic soil.  There is fertilizer you can buy just for "acid-loving plants" at ACE Hardware.  You should mulch the plants with pine needles and coffee grounds.

    Some varieties don't bear fruit until they are about six years old.  The plants I have are almost three and bore a handful earlier this year.

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