
I have 3 charge off on my credit and 11 in collections is that bad? What should i do?

by  |  earlier

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But it is only about $6,000 owed for everything




  1. Ummm. Yeah, that's really bad. You should start by paying people what you owe them. Are you serious?

  2. yeah, that's pretty off the ones in collections Call  them you can probably settle for less

    Then take care of the charge offs

  3. If all you owe is $6000, pay it off and before you pay anyone any money, get a pay for deletion letter. Try settling for haf the money you owe and pay them off.

    Your current credit is bad. Really bad. Reminds me of my college days :)

    Dont let 6000 hold you back for the next 7 years! If they dont give you a pay for deletion letter, there is no point paying but wait 7 years to pass and have it removed.

  4. You need to pay it off. If you are not able to manage it on your own you can go for debt consolidation. Your debt counselor would provide you with various option to pay off your debt and then you have to choose the best suitable option for you.

    Here is the source of a debt consolidation company named for your reference. You can get more details about the debt consolidation program from the website itself

  5. its bad, file bankruptcy, and you will have people coming out of the woodwork giving you credit, but refuse and just relax and pay cash and be content with what you have for about 5 years

  6. Let's just say ain't good. These collection agency are going to call and want the money that  you owe to the creditors that turned you over to collections. You don't say if you work, how much debt you have. But, obviously you need to either make payment arrangements, debt consolidation or file bankruptcy to settle these debts. If you don't do something, these collection agency will turn over to attorney's who will sue you and get garnishments against you.

  7. try to pay your debt.

    if its really that bad, maybe seek help through your debtors

  8. That is unbelievably  bad - how could you even get that many credit accounts - get 3 jobs and work 80 hrs a week for the next 7 years to fix your credit and pay off your obligations, and you should probably never be allowed to get another credit card for the rest of your life, because you can't control your spending

  9. Yes, that's very bad.  Learn how to manage your money responsibly.

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