
I have 3 jars,12 litre,7 litre and 5 litre. I have only 12 litre of water, can I have 2 X 6 litres of water?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 jars,12 litre,7 litre and 5 litre. I have only 12 litre of water, can I have 2 X 6 litres of water?




  1. Fill the 7 litre jar, put that in 5ltr jar and then you are left with 2 litre in the 7 litre jar. Transfer that 2 litre in the 12 litre jar. repeat the step 3 times. so now you have total of 6 litre in the 12 litre jar. and you are left with 6 litre which you can put in the 7 litre jar. So you get 2*6 litre of water.

    Cheers :)

  2. Fill the 5, poor it into the 7

    Fill the five, poor into the 7 until full (you have 3 in the 5)

    Poor the 5 (3) into the 12

    Empty the 7 and repeat. The 12 now has 6 liters.

    Now you can either keep the 6 liters in the 13 jar or the 7 jar...

    and how to get the second 6.. hmmmm

  3. 12  | 7 | 5 Jars

    12    0  0

      0    7  5

      5    7  0

      5    2  5

    10    2  0

    10    0  2

      3    7  2

      3    4  5

      8    4  0

      8    0  4

      1    7  4

      1    6  5

    Normally for this kind of work, if you try pouring in random u will be get to the solution automatically.

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