
I have 3 kids, no jobs and cheated husband. What should I do ...?

by  |  earlier

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I tried to get home based work on line. Though it's not as easy as I thought. The kids are 11, 8 and 3. People around me keep telling me to stay where I am. This is not the first time he makes fool. I'm in such dilema. Hurt and still love (kids and job are other thing to consider ...).




  1. don't know if you can leave and live independently leaving kids for him or not?

    but if you can't due to financial reasons, you have to stay but get close to someone who can make you feel better and give you what you are missing with him.  

  2. i couldnt be with someone who cheated on me.

    but if you decide to stay, i say cheat on him! i know i will get thumbs down for this but hey, if you're not ready to leave the least you can do is go out there and date some. nothing serious, but hey a little affair can boast up a day.

    i've never cheated, but if i got cheated on, i dont think i would feel guilty cheating. kids are expensive, so if you cant afford it alone as a single mother, do what you got to do. when you're kids are older, and less financially dependent on you, then  you can move on.

    also, take some courses in college. get a certificate or degree in something. call the local community college and see if they have a program for mothers.

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