
I have 3 misdemenors do I still have a chance to join the Air Force??

by  |  earlier

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I really want to join the Air Force I have a possession of marijuana, conversion (these charges were both dismissed) and I got arrested for public intox in which I have a court date for in oct 08 I actually talked to a recruiter a couple days ago and he said chances are slim, and I have heard of recruiters being able to get charges dropped for people or getting a lighter sentence for people but he said he wouldnt be able to help me out... Any advice??




  1. I am sure the recruiter is right.

  2. You made the right choice to talk to the recruiter.  Since it is his job to get people in, and since usually a recruiter will do anything he can in order to meet his recruitment quota, when he says he cannot help you, that's probably the end of it.  The only option available is to seek out a different recruiting station to see if another person's perspective might help.

  3. Man I would think the judge would throw you into the Marines to straighten you out.

  4. Yes, your recruiter is correct..The Air Force is very hard to join because of their high standards for his recruits.  An almost perfect record is required because the high level of security that the Air force offers

  5. These are relatively minor, but the larger question is can you remain clean WHILE in the AF?

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