
I have 3 weeks to get ready for football?

by  |  earlier

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what are some good things to do ps i am running back are heavy vests any good




  1. Turn off the computer and get rolling NOW!

  2. The first thing u need to do is get off yahoo answers. Second, get your diet right. Alot of fruits and vegetables, and alot of water. Every morning when u roll out of bed do at least 100 pushups and 100 situps. And get in as much cardio as u can. U should be in shape by the time the season starts. Good luck

  3. do a powerlifting routein called H.I.T.

    squats 20 reps

    dumbell pullovers 20 reps

    barbell rows 20 reps

    bench 20 reps

    military press 20 reps

    dead lifts 20 reps

    bar bell curls 20 reps

    tricept press downs 20 reps

    use the heavyest weight you can do for all these exercises ,

    no rest inbetween

    do some cardio and good mass building protein shakes

  4. Run - !! - Everyday.  Run a little farther everyday.  Push yourself - push yourself and keep running!

                               Run  !!

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