
I have $35,000, what do I invest it in?

by  |  earlier

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My bank put it in a fixed annuity ( I recently retired) I have 20 days to tell them if I want that or not. I could do anything with it. What should I do? I don't want to gamble with my money, I just want to make more. Should I keep it in the annuity?




  1. My suggestion:

    Invest your money in Europe with NO RISK at 10% a year

    $35,000 @10% APY=$56,368 after 5 years

    Please check my profile and email me more information about your plans and needs, and I'll give you a good advice.

    Good luck!

  2. The World Series of Poker Main Event.  Enter the tournament, have some fun, possibly turn your $10,000 investment into 10 million dollars.  If your retired.  It is time to start living live.  Carpe Diem

  3. A group highly professional traders have been offering our services in the field of management of financial actives in international currency market Forex.   Profitableness from 7%-11% per one month.


  4. Did you know that the price of oil has been going up an average of 48.9% since 2003?

    I don't think putting your money in your bank's fixed annuity will grow your money enough to keep up with rising prices. Find a financial advisor to plot out a path for your situation. You may have to take a risk to get a better return for your money, and to provide for cash flow in the future.

  5. real estate- prices are so low right not...

  6. property,

    ud ALWAYS make money

    ull never fall back i guarantee you

    that or gas.

  7. a car

  8. ticker symbol BQI

  9. The annuity probably has very high fees that make your bank plenty of commissions. Ask for the prospectus and read through it carefully to see what fees you will be paying and if you are in index funds. Are you paying a load? What are the expense ratios?

    Never, ever invest in something you do not fully understand.

    Here is info about fixed annuities:

    Here is general investing info:

  10. If you want a safe place for your money, then I would shop for money market and CDs.  You can also look at government treasuries and muni bonds, which are considered risk free.  If you're worried about inflation, then there are inflation-indexed bonds too.  Since interest rates are very low right now, I would only put them in on short term bonds, like 6 months or 1 year max.  Eventually interest rates will go back up and then you can rotate into higher yield bonds.

    Markets look pretty shaky, I would stay out of stocks unless you are thinking 10-20 years.

  11. Annuities are very confusing. It does not appear as if you need the income from this money now. If that is so I suggest not getting tied up with annuities.

    You say you want to invest, don't want to gamble and just want to make more. Putting the money in a CD is safe (from loss of principal) but after inflation and taxes your purchasing power is probably less. You don't see the bank balance go down so you don't feel you lost anything but when you cash it in and try to pay for gas, food or medical expenses it just won't go as far - you will blame the prices but part of the problem is that you tried to play it safe and not lose and now you see the problem.

    It is a scary time - bonds, CDs and money markets are paying a low amount of interest, stocks are jumping up and down, and inflation is heating up, house prices are dropping. There is no truely safe place to put your money. Historically, it has been best to have your eggs in a lot of baskets. Some stocks (funds) bonds (fujnds) and cash (CD's Money Mkt funds. Assuming you won't need the money for 5 years or so I recommend you consider the Vanguard Star fund. It invests in large, small and international stocks and some bonds.

    If you don't feel comfortable putting it in all at once then start with $5,000 and then put in $3,000 a month for 10 months. That way if the market goes down you will be buying at a lower price. If it goes up you will be pleased.

    Good Luck

  12. alternative energy sources

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