
I have 4 budgies together and there in pairs sometimes fight and there mating. can i keep them together?

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I have 4 budgies together and there in pairs sometimes fight and there mating. can i keep them together?




  1. hi

    yea course you can keep them together. If they are fighting with one anothers pairs then either put them in seperate cages or just keep them together for a couple of weeks and see if their still fighting. if so then you will need to keep them in different cages but put the cages close together so they can see each other but not touch each other. then they will start talking and cherping to one another and after about a month or two then you will be able to put them together again and they may stop fighting. if they continue then do it again until they stop... another way is to put them in separtate cages and then put them in the same cage once a week and then they will slowly stop fighting. i suggest trying both ways to see which one works best for you.

    Hope this helps


  2. There is no harm in what they are doing ,it is the normal behaviour of budgies when breeding (they are belligerent blighters),make sure that you have 3 nest boxes,if you intend to breed from them.

    This gives the dominant pair a choice of nesting sites.

    If you live in the U.K. It is a bit late to let them breed,wait till later November till end April.

  3. hi

    let me guess the girls are picking on the boys?! well if so my budgies does the same thing exept shes not breeding!lol. they pick on other budgies if their hurt or weak so you should probably take which ever one is being picked on to the vet. if they are not ill they should be put in seperate cages for awile but put the cages together so they can get to know each other after about a month you could try to put them together again. dont worry they won't badley hurt each other they are probably just getting protective beacause their ready to breed.

    goodluck!hope this helps!

    little miss sunshine

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