
I have 4 days in London in August, What shouldnt i miss?

by Guest59752  |  earlier

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I'm travelling thru London and apart from the obvious Buckingham Palace Tour, London Eye, Piccadilly Circus etc What would locals suggest i shouldnt miss? I'm 26, travelling alone male and Australian!




  1. Hello

    Tou maywant to visit Madame Tussauds. Though its going to be crowded and the entry fee is going to be skyrocketing.

    You may also visit the london dungeon. The tower of london is also great. The British museum is very good but will take time.

  2. You should go and check out Maddame Tussauds its a great place but the line to go into it is long!! Ooh, you cant miss a ride on the London Eye! There are mueseums like the Scinence mueseum (which I loved) and then the Natural History Museum (I havent been there myself) If you like shopping you could go to Oxford street and see some shops although you might not like that.  There is always Trafalgar Square, the one with the statues (it is called trafalguar square right?) There are lots of things I cant think of them right now though. You should see the Big Ben, I love that clock. And the London Bridge or Tower Bridge. I remember taken my cousin who had lived in America for most of her life around London and we went to these places, it was fun. The tower of London. There is that Gherkin(or cucumber) shaped office. Well I think its an office anyway.  There is Webminister Abbey. Lots of places, this is just a few of them. There are other places but I dont have the names for them.

    Hope you have a great time in London!

  3. eat at the pubs and make sure you do not forget the fish and chips. walk all you can and you will see more.

  4. The "must see" things depend on interest: don't be tempted to just go with the popular if it bores *you*.

    The Diana Memorial Fountain (South edge of Hyde Park, near the Serpentine) would be a must for some, and a complete waste of time for others, similarly the Imperial War Museum or Tate Modern.

    I've found the site below shows a good range of suggestions without being as pushy at selling tickets as some.

    (not many things need booking in advance, including my suggestion below)

    My personal recommendation: a river trip from Embankment pier (near the Houses of Parliament: you're likely to be there at some point anyway) at least to Tower Bridge, or a bit further out to the Thames Barrier and back.

    It will show you a lot of Central London in context of the river Thames, and give you great views of a lot of the main features and attractions. It might help you decide what else you want to see: St Pauls or HMS Belfast? Shakespeare's Globe or the Tate?

    And it saves your feet.

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