
I have 4 dogs can they all get along?

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I have 2 westies 7& 8 yrs 1 mixed breed 2 yrs and a mix golden 7 yrs, my grown children are telling me I have to many dogs and should get rid of at least 2 of them. My dogs are important to me am I being unreasonable?




  1. it all depends on the temperment and level of control you have over the house and dogs. If you let them get away with everything things will get out of control really fast. If you are the leader they should not be any skirmishes or they'll only be minor and controlable. I've known people with anywhere for 8 to 40 foster that are constantly rotating through the house, my number normally is 3 to 4 dogs in the house.

  2. ~ I also have 4 dogs and 3 grown kids. So I understand. This is what I tell myself and kids. As long as I can supply good food, vet care and shots flea meds as needed. And no one suffers for attention get over it. Now It can be costly as the start getting up in age. I would start a savings account now (I have one) that is strictly the dogs account. I put 20 dollars a pay check away. My dogs are spread out more in age 13, 3 and (2) 5 month pups. My house is clean, I brush each one every other day, walk each one seperatly (for alone time), bath every 3 weeks, spend time (pups started puppy classes today) and in the last 10 days I have spent over 900.00 on the 3 yo because of a scratched cornia and been to the vets 6 times.

    I tell my kids I didn't ask them for money or to walk a single dog or take a dog to the vet so IT IS MY LIFE. If my house starts to smell than come complain to me!

    Kids often in their journey to become adult, think they have the knowledge to instruct us on how to live our lives. They forget we are the ones who were able to raise 3 boys, work full time and coach 2 soccer teams and particpate in the PTA. I know if I could do that through their teen years 4 dogs ain't nuttin!

  3. sure they can...i have 4 dogs also and they get along just great.

  4. I dont think there should be a problem with behavior, just so long as they all respect you as the one in charge. You might have some issues with squabbles, but nothing really major. Your kids are probably just more worried about you being able to handle four dogs. As long as you can provide what they need and are taking care of them appropriately, then I dont see a problem!

  5. You might check into your local laws and see how many dogs you are allowed to own without getting a kennel permit.  You're probably fine, but I think the real question should be, can you take care of all of your animals?  Can you keep them healthy, give them all enough food, pay for their vet bills, etc.  Maybe that is where your children are worried.  I wish you the best of luck with whatever decision you make.

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