
I have 4 squash plants and 2 zucchini plants. Until now they have done well. Now they have blossom end rot.?

by  |  earlier

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How do i fix this? What went wrong?




  1. Probably too much dampness.

  2. When squashes have blossom end rot it means that the plant cannot absorb calcium from the soil.  Mix some good compost into your soil. You may not be able to save them this year but not all of the fruit will be spoiled. You should still get some decent squashes this year.

  3. Sounds like the heat is getting too hot for them which isn't too much one can do except trying a very loose mulch like pine or wheat straw spread over the base of the plant where it forms the root. The straw will provide some shade and even though it may look out of place the object is shading the plants then in the fall can be recycled back into the soil when harvesting is well over.

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