
I have 4 teens when is ok to say no?

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i have 4 teens

2 girls to boys

the girls are 17 and 15

and my boys are 14 and 16

they are all on so many sports

and my girls do nothing but shop

the money isnt the issue its

i dont want them going into the real world thinking everythings hannded to them

i want to know when i should cut them off????

like when they go to the mall how much do i give them each?

now i know this sounds horable but my kids who can drive got to pick any car they wanted

now i have to let my younger ones do that wen they can drive beacuse that wouldnt be fare


but my question is when to cut them off




  1. Three of your kids are old enough to work. Make them get jobs.  

  2. No Offense but your spoiling them. Chances are that there most likely going to try to live off of you for a good while if you keep letting them take control.

    For your:

    17 now would be a great time

    16 now you could start

    15 get him started too

    14 you could do it but ease up a bit on him

  3. When they go to the mall, give them 75 dollars.

    Then the next time they ask give them 50 dollars.

    And then after that give them 25 dollars.

    Or tell them they need to earn it. And for every chore they do they get 5 dollars to go to the mall.

    And for the younger kids and there cars.

    Take them to a used care dealer (they'll probably end up crashing it anyways) and give them a budget (thats all up to how much money you have) and then let them pick there car within that budget unless they want to pay for the rest.  

  4. Just give your daughters like ten-twenty dollars each when they go to the mall. That's what my dad does. Stop giving them all this extra stuff. Like if your daughters ask to go to the mall, let them go once a week or so.  If your sons ask for new sports stuff, tell them to use their old gear. Try and treat them with gifts less often (if you do that). When it comes to giving your kids a car, limit their options instead of letting them get any car they want. I mean, they're going to have to learn soon if they're going to support themselves.

    Hope I helped!


  5. i am or should i was the same way that your daughters are...and my one day my mother decided to give me a set balance for every time i go to the mall she gave $100 every week ($400 a month for the mall) that i went to the mall and got $200 every i had $600 a month.........she started having me put half on my cell phone bill and to my car note every month to make me realize that money don't grow on trees so the $200 that i got every month basically went to my car note and cellphone bill so i really didn't have money for when i wanted to got out every week with my friends because i spent $600 every month altogether so now i have a job and really don't have to depend on my mommy to give me something every time i need you cut them off when they get a job because their old enough to work so make them get a job and contribute to the money that you give them or make them put half on whatever they have.

  6. Well, first things first you sit all 4 of your babys down and explain that the real world is coming and it isn't all fun and games.  It is time to learn some hard lessons in life w/o the consequences that the real world will pose.  I would first explain that those beautiful cars they each picked out will no longer have automatic full tanks of gasoline and that if they want to go shopping thier allowance will be what they can spend and not a penny more.  This is the perfect time to teach these lessons because of how awful the economy is and how much we take for grantid.  I wouldn't allow more than $20.00 per week as an allowance that they have to earn by doing chores, but if they are used to more money give them a starter fund of say $100.00 that way it isn't to huge of a shock.  Next on the gasoline front.  Make it clear that you will only fill the tank once a week (in you live in town) maybe twice a week (if you live out of town) or if you have a special event.  I think that would be a good way to start the realization of how much things cost and it is work to earn money.

    Good Luck,


  7. u should of cut them off a long time ago.  have them get a job and earn money them selves.  if u keep giving them stuff they will never know how 2 be responsible..  u can start today....learn no...tell your kids NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  8. Make the girls work for their money (not a true allowance but give them $10-20 and if they want more give them more chores). Teach them responsibility in spending and saving their money. Make your kids pay for half of it. Or you pay and let them pay for the insurance and gas. WIth the younger ones you can't really cut them off because you all ready did it with the older ones. It's a little late to be asking this question.

  9. Little Girl QUIT playing on the Computer!

  10. Wow. I'm 13, and I know better than you. You should've started cutting them off from shopping that much when they were young, and when they got older told them to shop using their own money. And why in the h**l would you let your children pick their own cars? My mom is so harsh on me about this stuff. I have to pay for my own car with my own money when I get my license. And she makes me pay for all my own clothes.

  11. Well my question is: Why are you a mother of four, yet you can't spell or write out a coherent sentence?

  12. No offense but my gut is saying 'sumpteen wong' here.

  13. well start making them do chores for allowance

    and give them money for the mall like once a month

    and if they want more than they just have to spend their own money that they earned

    and u shouldn't just cut them off

    u should ease them off

    start paying for less and less and when their 18 hardly pay for anything except food

    and when they move out u can give them some starting money but u cant mommy them forever

    (now this is just what i would do i don't know how close u are with ur kids and stuff, so this is just my opinion)

  14. 17. cut off

    16. get a job but can still get a bit of money like 20 -30 dollars when they go to them same goes for the 15 year old

    14. should get 20-30 dollars a week or something like that  

  15. Well I think part of the question should be are they grateful for the things you give them or do they take it all for granted?  If they are good kids who make good grades and are respectful and do not get into trouble then if you have the means to do those things then I think its ok.  If they are spoiled brats who think the world revolves around them they they probably need a reality check and it is your job as their parent to give it to them b/c if you don't someone out in the real world will.

  16. Instead of cutting them off I would suggest to them that they get a job, it would give them a sense of responsibility and it would show them how life is really like when you get out there on your own. You sound like a pretty sweet mom if you let them pick a car though, and I would let your younger ones do that too, it wouldnt be fair not to. Maybe you could just say that they have to pay insurance or something?

  17. Now is the right time. You have one child who's almost legally an adult, you should have done this a while ago. If the girls are the issue, then talk to them. Make sure you thoroughly explain your reasoning for this. Suggest getting jobs, or working around the house to earn an allowance. Its ok for your kids to have nice things, just as long as they know and appreciate why they have it. As far your other kids when they get cars, you don't HAVE to do anything, because you're the parent. If you want to let them choose their cars the go ahead, its fine, as long as they appreciate it. ♥

  18. Don't give them anything unless they earned it. You need to cut off your kids money flow as soon as they are old enough to get a job (17 and 16 year Olds can get a job). Let them chose a car only if they can afford the monthly payments, insurance, gas, etc. If they can't afford it, take the car away.

  19. give then like $70-$100 for the mall and your right u have to let the younger ones get a car or they will be pissed and ba many fights.

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