
I have 4 volleyball games tomorrow. I am 12, and this is my first year.?

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Any tips??




  1. Stay on your toes chick!!!! This is the one that messes up a lot of people up. Also stay low!!!

    - Stay hydrated

    - Eat a light meal at least 1/2 a hour before.

    - Get 7-9 hours of sleep

    - Take a warm shower in the morning then before you get out turn it to kool.

    - Look HOTT!!!!

    - Have a BLAST.. WIN or LOSE!!!!

  2. last year when i was 12 i was of my team and I had tons of games. Every game beforehand i always was nervous but I ended up doing good. Just remeber, you'll have good plays and bad plays. Get lots of sleep and play hard. Good Luck!

  3. Make sure your serves are awesome. This is what can win you very easy points for your team. If you can serve over hand make sure they are power-full and will go over the net...if it wont get over the net dont do it! Thats really humiliating and very easy points for the other team. If you can practice somewhere then work on your control of the ball. This is crucial for your other team mates because they are all relying on you when you have the ball. Remember to focus and be in a ready postiton. Wear knee pads and sacrifice yourself to the ball! GOOD LUCK =]

  4. Give it all you got, captain!

  5. I'm on a pro's volleyball team and I'm 11 years old. Anyways... my first game I was nervous and, thought I needed help but, you really don't just when you get out on that court you'll feel like your going to vomit ( that's what I felt) but after you start playing all the feelings leave your mind. The only thing you'll think of is I have to win the game!!! The more games you play the more relaxed you'll get. Trust me!! ;)

  6. do not stand flat-footed.. stay on your toes. NEVER take your eyes off the ball. communicate with your teammates. that is important. lots of water between matches.

  7. Just relax... the first game you'll be a little nervous but by the 2nd, you'll be relaxed, and you will know what you have to work on from your first game! GOOD LUCK!

  8. Hey me too. I play for a club team and we regularly have tournaments almost every weekend. 4 games for a 12 year old is actually a lot.

    What i would suggest is that you pack a couple of sandwiches, gatorade/water, crackers, granola bars, and maybe some fruit. You don't want to get too full when playing because you are going to get major cramps and feel wicked heavy. But eat whenever you have a break, and drink plenty of liquids.

    For playing, make sure you stretch, A LOT! If you don't stretch and warm up well, it will take forever to get warmed up during a game. Run a couple of laps, do your usual stretches and pepper with teammates. During the actual game, just go for everything. If you don't get taken out very often, you kind of have to suck it up and just keep playing. But if you start feeling pain, then call for a time out. But try to keep a good pace going, and when you are on the floor for the ball, get up quickly or else your body will get too tired just laying there. Good Luck  and remember to have fun!

  9. :O when I was 12 we had like 7 games a day!!! anyway, eat healthy food throughout the day and stay hydrated.

  10. eat- stay hydrated- rest during rest times- play all-out all day

    you'll do great!

  11. call if you are going after the ball

    have a sport drink to replace body salts ect

    and enjoy the game most of all

    All the best

  12. Eat a power bar between games

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