
I have 5 cats,1 of the cats is giving me a problem ,he does'nt get along with them,everytime they pass near ?

by  |  earlier

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him he growls and makes they others want to fight with him.He is now arfaid to go near them and is starting not to go downstaris to use his litterbox,this is only happed twice now that he has pooped on my carpet upstaris.this is v ery upsetting for me.Should i send him away? I love my cats and they are very clean.I have now closed my rooms were he loves to hide.They all attact him.Please someone help .This has been going on now for 3 mts.I had all my cats for years.Why is this happning now, it puzzles me.Please Help Me.




  1. I dunno, I would separate the trouble maker, but him in a room by himself with a litter box and food and water, let him spend some time alone, ask the vet if there is anything they can give him for his temper, or the other alternative is to re-home him, im sure he is making your other cats miserable

  2. Well you definitely need more than one litter box for starters.  You might want to consider keeping them separated for a week or so, that way he will want to go outside the room and socialize and it will give all of them a chance to come up to the door and play with each other under it.  I don't think you should get rid of him just yet, he might need a little more time to adjust better.

  3. Cats are territorial.  I have 3 and the males beat up on the female and now they've turned on each other.  Its what they do, they're trying to show their dominance.  If he isn't going downstairs to use the litter box then set one up for him it really that hard?  My cat won't leave the dining room or kitchen for fear of being attacked by the boys.  Don't send him away, its not his fault he is scared and the others are trying to show him who is boss.  Its natural for them.

    They used to beat up on her but she is 14 the other two are 8 and 1.  Now that she is sick and isn't going to be around much longer they've been behaving towards her and going in the kitchen and sitting with her, keeping her company and making sure that she is okay.

  4. he could have a problem take him to a vet

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