
I have 5 month old twin girls that have been sleeping in the same crib....?

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Since they where born. They are now starting to move around a lot more in there sleep and often wake eachother up for the most part they won't sleep more than 2 hours when slept question is, is how should I go about transitioning them into seperate cribs? Thanks for the help everybody!!




  1. put them in different cribs when asleep so that they dont disturb each other. they can be together when awake so they have each other for company.

    when u put them in seperate cribs, put a toy or cushion near them to give them the feel that the other twin is close by and they will usually sleep soundly.  

    i dont have twins but my daughter used to refuse to sleep if i was not next to her on the bed, so i tried this and it worked like a charm.

    Hope it works.

    Have fun with the twins.  it is hectic dealing with two 5 month olds, but it sure is worth it. :)

    God bless.

  2. Do it a little at a time. Perhaps start with nap time instead of nightime. Put a blanket or toy that smells like the other next to them. After a week or so of this, extend it to nightime. Good luck!

  3. get a mesh screen and separate the crib and let them get used to something being in between them if they don't like it give them about a week (if they are cool with it then do the next step) get another crib and separate them one in one crib one in the other, put the cribs together again give them a week or do this if they are cool with it. move the cribs to the further side of the room and give it time then when they are used to that put one baby in a room next to the other baby's room if possible and see how that goes.

    this is only if you want them in separate room you can stop it any time if you don't want to separate them fully

  4. start by sleeping them seperate during the day for naps so they can still see each other. once they do it fine during the day then do it at night as well.

  5. I think you should keep a stuff toy beside each one in the that they can feel that they are sleepin together.

  6. you should have put them in separate cribs since birth

  7. roll a blanket up and use it as a seperator...or start putting them in seperate cribs at nap time and if they fuss too much you might have to just deal with it till they get used to it.

  8. I have 6 month old twin boys and I encountered the same problem.  We were hoping to keep them together until 6 or 7 months but they moved too much and one would wake the other in the middle of the night.  We put our boys in their own cribs at 4 1/2 months.  I think it is great that you have been able to keep your girls together for as long as you have.  They really need each other and seek comfort from each other.  All the books definitely recommend keeping them together for as long as you can.

    Our transition sounds easier than yours.  Have you tried putting them further and further apart from each other in the crib to start the transition.  We put the cribs side by side so they could see each other.  Also, before nap or bedtime and after nap or bedtime I place them in the same crib for some quiet play time.  Good Luck!  

  9. As tiny newborns there's nothing wrong with sleeping in the same crib.  However, you should have separated them as far as sleeping arrangements when they were around 2 months old.

    Currently, I would suggest the twins taking naps separately during the day.  After a week or two they will discover they actually like sleeping separately however, keep the cribs located in such a way as the babies can see and "talk" to each other.

    Congratulations on the twins!!  It's hard work I know but "rest" when the twins do......the rewards are great in many ways!!

    (p.s. don't pay attention to some of the idiots that have "answered" you request......these are just idiot younguns as I'm sure you realize!)

  10. always remember twins dont like to be seperated, but what you should of done was get them sepreate cribs. now i believe you have to put them in seperate cribs so they can get used to it i guess

  11. Maybe you can take to cribs side by side that they can hear and touch each others? Or just make them get used to it that they are not together al the time. It may be hard later them be apart if they are always together.

  12. I personally do not have children, but I have twin sisters who are 6 years younger than myself, and I am stressing that you seperate them now.  I remember it was tough on my mom to run to 2 different bedrooms, and she put them together to ease her stress.  But 18 years later they were still sleeping in the same room.  And I mean the beds were shoved together to look like 1 bed.  When they finally split rooms, the younger of the two kept sleeping on the other ones floor, because she didn't like being alone.  Their friends would crack jokes, and I admit to not being very nice about their insecurities.  But please, seperate them young so they can grow to be individuals.

  13. I would think putting them cribs directly next to each other so the girls can still see and hear one another would be the best way to start. Then slowly move them apart once they show that they are comfortable with the new arrangement. Babies are pretty adaptable but it may take time for them to get used to. Good luck!  

  14. i think that it is very normal to keep two new babies in the same crib... i think if hey are starting to disturb each other it may be time to move them a little bit further away from eachother while they are sleeping... good luck!!

  15. I would try the two different cribs side by side thing, along with a blanket the other one has slept with warm from the dryer, so they can smell the other baby and feel the warmth of the blanket.  Hopefully this will calm any fears about being alone.  The other option is to try to stagger their nap times so that they are napping by themselves during the day, and after a week or so of this bringing in a second crib to separate them at night.  Either way i am guessing you are gonna have a couple restless nights ahead, but if you wait any longer you may not be able to do it at all, especially once they get big enough to climb outta bed on their own. Good luck, and try to remain calm. Remember that the more comfortable you are with this transition the more comfortable they will be with it.  (oh and for the record i would have probably let them share a crib when they were first born too)

  16. Try a bigger crib yah know so they'll get used to the idea of them being close to one another but separated as well. If that doesn't work. Have you tried setting two cribs up right against one another but putting each twin in a separate crib? That way they can see the other but still be in different cribs? I'm just making suggestions I can't really tell you what to do without being there seeing the situation. Good luck though.  

  17. If they're moving around, then they are old enough to have a stuffed animal. Give them that at bedtime/ nap time and let them have separate cribs.  

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