
I have 6 large bags full of cloathes and shoes for kids aged 0 months - 3 years

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I'm looking to give them to a charity , which one would be best???. i would prefer a charity that would send them to kids in need of them prefer than sell them in a shop.. any help would be greatly appreciated..




  1. a womans abuse shelter would be great.  so many of those ladies have to drop everything and leave.  some show up with next to nothing.

    another one is  they screen families and make sure it's delivered to the family who needs it the most.  We've donated to them for years.  they take clothing, furniture, food, anything.  

  2. Hehe MY HOUSE! LOL just kidding. Are you in the US? If so red cross would be a good one. They always needs clothes for kids that have been through housefires and such. or foster homes.  

  3. any charity is ok

  4. Bags to school is good for this, find local school, ask them when next collection is.....assuming your in UK

    maybe they have a website.

  5. Contact social services I am sure they know of families that are in need of clothing. Childrens hospitals and hospices also take clothing. I wouldn't put them in a clothes bank as the people that sort them take the best for themselves. So those that really need them never receive the good stuff.

  6. I suggest you take it to all these charities advertised for children in Africa and disaster area. A lot of kids there need cloths.I f you are in the UK, they advertise a lot of them on TV.

  7. Hey there, you are better of taking them to a clothing bank (like the glass/bottles banks you get) because charity shops usually just sell them in their own shop and raise money for their charity. They don't usually send the clothes off. If you're in the UK they usually have the clothes banks at Salisbury's.

  8. Give them to someone you know that has a child who is in financial difficulty at the minute. Or you could give them to social services or send them to third world countries like africa for the kids there etc.

  9. make a baby quilt

  10. If you're in somwhere like Australia, I would give them to a charity such as Father Chris Riley's one. I would find churches around your area that do volunteer work and also look for mother's centres (don't know what they call them but I know some are run thru the Red Cross)

    Hope this helps!

  11. Call your local women and children's shelter they are always in need of them, other wise churches usually know families that need them or the WIC office, takes them also.

  12. You could put them on It wouldn't rally be a charity, but i'm sure the people that get them need them.

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