
I have 6 month baby i want to give mother milk is it possible now?

by  |  earlier

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till 3 months i gave mother milk i stopped in 4 month now 6 month are they any chances to give her mother milk again




  1. Yes u can

  2. somehow you would have to start lactating again....

    But, I know there are resources available to help adoptive parents breastfeed, its called induced lactation. below are some informative sites. i'd aslo recommend speaking with your doctor  for the most help in getting started.

  3. yes, there is a tea you can get at your local health food store.. i can't recall what its called, but it should help, it will be hard but you can do it!!!

    good luck

  4. Yes you can...  It's a hard and long process, but it is possible to relactate.  You can use an herb called Fenugreek that will help increase milk production.  You can f=drink a tea called "Mother's Milk Tea."  There is also a prescription called Reglan that will up your milk production.  I suggest getting a pump and pumping every 2-3 hours.  You probably won't see any milk for a while, but visualize your body producing milk and even stare at your child and think about how much you want to feed her/him.  It's not easy, but it CAN be done.  Good luck.

  5. u try once is there any milk in breast or not? Because if u stop feeding baby the brain stops receiving the message to produce breast milk and later it stops producing it. try once. according to reports we can feed the baby with breast milk upto 2 years

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