
I have 6 speeding ticket.BUT NO POINTS ON IT.?

by  |  earlier

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The tickets will be remove up to 2010.Now nobody is giving me a job and i want to servive and feed my family.anybody can help me i live in ontario,canada.




  1. I am sure that you can find some type of work where driving is not part of the job because I have hired younger people with not the best driving records but they had to sign paperwork from both my company as well as with our insurance company that they would not drive any vehicle that did not belong to them.....good luck

  2. Why won't they give you a job?

    Do you actually blurt out that you have 6 speeding tickets?

    And even if you did, they probably can't use that against you.

    (Of course I'm assuming you're smart enough not to be looking for employment driving...)

  3. I think you should have really considered that after first ticket.

    Seems kinda late after 6 tickets.  You can't even say it was A mistake.


    Move to So California.  They have people like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears driving around and they are lenient with offenders.  

    Serious!  Or at least till time passes by.

    Good Luck...

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