
I have 8 pekin ducks and i cant take care of them over the winter, how do i go about getting rid of them?

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I have 8 pekin ducks and i cant take care of them over the winter, how do i go about getting rid of them?




  1. Taste Great

    1 Meal at a time

    M M Good

  2. Hi,

    So... you have a pekin duck as a PET right??

    You can ask some popular stores if you could put a flyer in their window about you giving away or selling pekin ducks.

    OR you could go to a lake where you have seen other pekin ducks and let them free. (Do this before the all fly south)

    OR you can give them to a pet store that sells pekin ducks.

    OR you can go to a vet and ask them for some suggestions...

    Lol, I've never heard of owning pekin ducks... but, OK

    ~~ANimal HElper

  3. Do not listen to the idiot first poster. Pekin ducks are a domesicated breed, meaning that they cannot survive when they are raised by humans and then just thrown out on a lake. In fact, thats a felony crime.

    Call a rehabber in your area that deals with birds. If you couldn't take care of them, you never should have got them in the first place.

  4. Get in touch with a rehabilitation source and see if they would take for you or rescue source this is not good for the birds and you don't need any more just like the rest cute and fun when small but when get bigger its easier to toss away. DON'T TOSS OUT you have! find a way to protect and give chance to live

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