
I have 8th grade questions?

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Okay i need like good study tips and homework tips.

Didi anybody kno any good ones?

I'm going into 8th grae on august 13th so thats 17 days! so please help!




  1. Okay.

    So what you should do before studying is:

    -Go ahead and drink some tea, to relax your body. Gather all the books you'll be needing to study about. After relaxing, find the topics you need in your text books.

    During your study time:

    -Write notes, on maybe flashcards, or just in any ordinary paper. After doing your homework, study or go through the notes you've wrote down. When taking a test on this specific subjects, your notes will come in handy.

    -You can also, ask somebody your studying with to give you a review and quick test about what you studied, that way you can remember some of it, and your brain will be trained with the specific subject!

    After studying:

    -Put those handy notes somewhere in your backpack, somewhere where you will not lose them. Sometimes in your freetime in school, i suggest you look through your notes. You can also share them with your friends. And look at there notes too, if you like.


    For Homework:

    -If you have those notes, they will keep handy all the time.

    -If your teacher gives you a guide on how to do something, for example; how to do a certain equations in algebra. Always keep them, they can help you if you forget how to do something.

    -Some classwork is good also, there might be Q&A's that will help you when you do your homework.

    i hope this helps!

    And good luck in 8th Grade!


  2. Your biggest advice: don't procrastinate.

    Homework tips:

    -Have an agenda.

    -Be organize.

    -Do the difficult homework when you have the most energy and do the easy homework when you have the least amount of energy.

    -Always have the phone numbers of at least three people for each class.(just in case you forgot the homework)

    -Highlight your notes and summarize it.

    -During lecture notes, listen 70% of the time and write 30% of the time.

    Study Tips:

    -At least 9 hour of sleep.

    -Eat a nutritious breakfast.

    -Don't drink to much water before a test.

    -Take advantage of tutorials if they are offered.

    -Make flash cards for vocabulary.

    -Try studying 10 minutes a day and when the test is near by try studying for 30 minutes.

    -Look online if there are free study guides.

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