
I have A Twilight Life Refernce??

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Okay SOOO i LOVE Twilight, And I can Make A Reference Out of ANYTHING! But the Thing is I cant Stop thinking about it!!! i know i Have TONS of Photos And Shirts and Buttons And Calenders But I CANT stop thinking about it i read all the books like 10 times!!! I cant get Twilight Out of my Head!!

Should I try to get it out of my head and How


SHould i just leave it as it is And just Contuinie Thinking ABout it??




  1. omg i am the SAME way!!!


    its a great feeling when you hear the name edward and you turn around and get butterflies even when you realized that they were talking about their friend or something

    i go on the internet alot right? well duh

    and this is what i do...make polyvore sets (you make like collages w/ pictures and quotes and stuff) ive made ofver 70 twilight sets

    various fan sites

    y!a and answer questions like these

    there is an infinite amount of twilight out there!

    i dont want to become unobsessed if you do well then read another book pendragon or maximum ride, both are SUPER good but they dont even COMPARE to twilight *sighs*

  2. you shouldnt be so obessed .

    try picking up another book .

  3. Yes, you need to get it out of your head to an extent.  You are in danger of becoming a "rut" reader, as in "stuck in a rut."  You need to keep reading and finding enjoyment in other great books.  Eragon is another great series, or you could try other romance authors like Meg Cabot, or go for other vampire books like Vampire HIgh, Blue Bloods, Cirque du Freak or the books by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes.

    Good Luck

  4. Over time, your obsession should die down.  Hopefully.  

    And try reading other books.  Trust me...there are much better book out there than Twilight.  And reading other stories will help get Twilight out of your head.  

    Good luck with your obsession!!  

  5. I noe how you feel i find myself think: "OMG how would Bella react in this situation" or "Man, I wish Edward WASNT fictional" THE BOOKS ARE DRIVING ME INSANE!!

    I made a reference to the Twilight setting while on a nature walk today! reminded me of Forks!

    I think u shouldn't OBSESS over the books(i cant believe im saying THIS...i should follow my own advice), cuz realize it's all FICTION it shouldnt be ur bible, BUT that doesnt mean u dont have think about jus try to minimze that time

  6. My eyes hurt... I think you should learn how to spell properly. And use CAPS sparingly....

    Find a new story to read. Harry Potter, Gemma Doyle, A.S.O.U.E, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, etc...

    Or classics like Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice.  

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