
I have A serious fly problem. solutions?

by  |  earlier

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my wife and I moved into a town house they were just built. we're the first to live there, it used to be a field that flooded frequently, then the townhouses were built. On average we kill atleast 10-15 flies per day. All our neighbors are experiencing the same problems. We are extremely clean people. but we can't seem to get rid of the fly problem. any solutions. I have thought about buying a spray to put around the doors & windows, or one of the electronic riddex things. but IDK if it would fix the problem.




  1. we bought fly kill spray @ walmart but if u live where it didnt freeze then u just have to deal with it. i know it drives me insane to.

  2. We hang those sticky roll things from the ceiling - we catch about 50 flies per week.  We live in a 2nd floor apartment converted from an old townhouse, and we can't find the cause of the flies.  Really, there's not much you can do but keep searching and killing.  The sticky rolls are nice because they do the work for you.

  3. There isn't a way to keep them out other than chemicals and I would not like to recommend that. But if you want easy ways to catch them I do have a couple of ideas.

    Use the hose on a vacumn cleaner to suck them up. Faster and cleaner than fly swatters.

    And a nifty way to get rid of them if they have landed on the ceiling at night....tape a paper cup to a yard stick and fill it half way with water. Hold the cup under the fly for a few seconds and it will fall into the water and be trapped.

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