
I have ADD And OCD and Im failing.My mom and teachers think Im not trying and I am.Does anyone have any advice

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No one thinks I can bring my grades up.Im on medication now and Im hoping to bring my grades up next semester which starts soon.But the problem is I might get held back.If I get 4 Fs in 8th grade and only in the first 2 semesters and then get As and Bs in the last two, will I still get help back?Do any of you kno?Thnks.:)




  1. Don't worry I am in special education and even though I have a different diagnois then ADD or OCD I think I might still be able to help you. School is always very hard never forget that. Classes, peers, and teachers do not make life easy just know you will get through it. Semesters are always very important and it is vital to receive good grades in both first and second semesters however, the second semester is said to be much more important, so if you get good grades this semester you should be OK. 4 F's are not horrible and you should not be too hard on yourself about it. I knew three people who had over nine F's and they have all graduated. I highly doubt that you will get held back but you probably will have to make up last semester somehow. Talk to your parents or your counselor and see what kind of ideas they have. They might suggest summer school but from what I hear it is only one month long and only Monday- Thursday and from 7:00- 12:00 instead of 7:00 to 3:00. You might also be able to get homeschooled next summer in the subjects you are having a struggle with and just pass from that. Best of luck!

  2. sit down with your teacher and your parents and discuss your options.  public school doesn't work for everyone.  discuss your private and charter school options.  ask that the important people in your life quit using labels for you because they can deter your own self worth.

  3. Hi I have an 11 year old son he has pdd-nos autistic he is in the seventh grade math is not his subject but reading and science it is lovely for him they do not leave back special ed because they know their is certain things you all cant really do not that you cant but its confusing thats all you just try harder and what ever you dont understand ask the teachers they must help you even if it is 20 times so be it dont stress yourself ok,good luck

  4. okay, maybe you should go to your doctor and talk to him/her about it. The med perscription might not be high enough. tell your mom to make a doctors apointment ASAP so that you can see them and tell them about it.

    and if you get held back its not big deal. it might seem like a big deal, but its really not in the long run.

    i would say to try and study a bit harder, and ask questions in class. try to stay focused on what the teacher is saying and make sure that you do all of your homework.

    Homework is just another form of studying. say you have homework in classes A, B, and C but not D, do your homework for classes A B and C and don't study for those classes. look over your notes for class D, don't just look over what you did that day, look over what you did last week. it will help for tests.


    good luck.

  5. Children are not generally held back in middle school. Your grades do not get "credits" like they do in high school. The biggest problem is that you haven't learned the material you need to know to take more advanced classes in high school. For example, if you don't know how to divide for instance, then you will have great difficulty in algebra or calculus.

    In high school when you fail a class, you do not get the credit and you need so many credits to graduate.

    If I were you, I would see if they have any summer school options so that you can improve some of your grades and knowledge.

    Please get with your counselor or dean and ask what your options are. We can guess on "Answers," but the actuality will come from your counselor.

    When you are with the counselor, ask her about a 504 Plan. This plan is not an IEP, but it has similar accommodations that must be implemented by teachers. To understand more about 504 plans, go to the Wright's Law website.

    Finally, get on the "Net and read about some accommodations that you can make for your ADHD. You can do this for yourself because you seem smart.

  6. Hi,

    I have a daughter also. She is in the 7th grade.  I have also taught thousands of kids your age.  I think you can bring your grades up.  And I think you can make it.  It is hard when you have been told you have ADD and ocd.  My one son is disabled, not the same thing, but what I'm trying to say is  - Dont let that hold you back.  If you want this bad enough keep trying.  I think if you got A's and B's and even C's in second semester you would get to go on.  

    So...set your goals - If you get C's don't give up - ask for extra help.  The teachers have to help you.  If you show you have the desire to do it, they will help you.

    I hope you make it.  Keep trying.

    melanie smothers - mom to Michaela smothers

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