
I have ADHD and I can work better to music at school?

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I have ADHD as you can see from the opening question, As you know people with ADHD is easily distracted from doing something,but when it comes to music I work better,when it comes to school work and in the classroom but the school won't let us listen to mp3 player/ipod in class, so its hard for me to work to the best of my ablity (as the school wants me to), cause I get distracted very easily and music just has that effect that calms me down at gets me working very well.

cause I've got ADHD, could I be allowed listen to it in lessons as long as a don't disrupt the lesson if I ask my year leader or learning mentor (SENCo)?




  1. cisco certification bootcamp-

  2. of course you should be abel to listen to the music yet the school will most likly be hesitant at 1st. when asking for permission you should perpare yourself with statistics and tests performed by other well known (teachers phycologists docters) also state that the music abels you to work better and to prove this you may have to perform your own tests to show that it actualy does help. With information you should have a high chance at getting what you desire!

    good luck!

  3. I'm not sure that you would be allowed to listen to music during class. I know my school has never included this on an IEP and it would be difficult to enforce and regulate. Schools often have policies on electronic devices that they are reluctant to bend for one student. If you are easily distracted, I would first try using ear plugs or muffling head phones during work time in class- obviously not when the teacher is teaching! This can eliminate the noise and distractions. Talk to your case manager and see what the two of you can come up with.

  4. sap certifications-

  5. get your parents, teachers, and counselors to work with this program.  alot of people thrive when in a musical environment.

  6. I know in Ohio you can't get an IEP for having ADHD unless you also have some type of disability that makes learning difficult for you.  Your should be able to get on a 504 plan though... this will be a plan that you, your parents and the school staff participate in writing up.  I would also have your doctor write a note explaining how this can affect you in a positive way (listening to music).  If you can get this written into an IEP or 504, then they would have to let you.  It may be a process to get there if the school has a policy against use of electronics.

  7. Just because u have ADHD you shouldn't be able to listen to music, it will distract the other kids. If you are in one of the classes for slow learners, then they should be able to work WITH you to help you learn, and maybe let you listen to music. The reason you are not allowed to listen to music while the teacher is teaching is because you wont be able to HEAR the teacher. Make more sense for ya? Sure hope so.

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