
I have Chest pains, why?

by  |  earlier

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I had a really stressful day yesterday, and my stomach was acting up. Today, I had yogurt, a banana, a granola bar and some orange juice for breakfast, and I'm still kind of stressed out. About half an hour ago, I began to get sharp pains around my ribs whenever I inhale, but for the most part I'm fine when i sit down. What does this mean? I'm young, and I've never had any health problems before, except for this a couple times.




  1. I think i know what this is

    do you eat bananas often?

    or does sweet fruits make your mouth roof itch? it might be allergies

    bananas make it hard for me to kinda breath and lungs get a little wierd and warm

  2. malnutrition.  You need to eat some legumes or some meat.

  3. porosityicy

  4. its just gas...try walking or doing light exercise  

  5. I got chest pangs when I fell in love.

  6. you need to relax. watch your breathing and keep it controlled. you will be fine - you body is just tense.

  7. probably gas. either that or you ate something spicy? i get that all the time. and it really hurts. try burping or something/

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