
I have Fibromyalgia and my pain medication just stopped working, does anyone have any advice?

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I have been taking pain medication for my Fibromyalgia, it is the only way I can function even a little. Yesterday it stopped working and my pain keeps getting worse and worse. I have already tried every other medication imaginable for FMS, except the higher up pain meds which I am trying very hard to avoid (though at this point I would gladly take absolutely anything that would help my pain). Is there anyone who can give me advice about what they have done in this situation? As far as how they deal with the pain when it is physically and mentally overwhelming. I keep thinking that if things dont get better, I will spend my life curled up in a ball in bed, crying, just trying to get to the point where I am exhausted enough to finally fall asleep.

That thought and the overwhelming pain are making me so utterly miserable.

Does anyone have any advice?




  1. I have never taken prescription meds for my fibro pain, but OTC meds  helped me initially but stopped completely. Heat helps me tremendously, I take hot baths before bed when I am desperate.

    My husband made me home made heat pads that work great. He used old jeans and sewed a packet and filled them with rice. They are fairly large and I heat them for several minutes. I sleep with them on my knees/thighs and the heat lasts long enough to help me fall asleep.

    I also use these ( The thermal support wraps. I have one for each wrist, my feet, and thighs. They really help me.

  2. You need to consult your doctor. He can look over the meds you have tried already and may be able to come up with a better combination or he may refer you to a pain management clinic. Sometimes either physical therapy or massage therapy can help as well. They are both worth looking into!

    I've had FMS for 17 years, I have been on almost all the meds as well and pain management was not able to help me. If I get really bad, she puts me back on a fentynal patch and I take vicodin for the break through pain. I am also on a muscle relaxant. My treatment is very difficult due to multiple drug allergies and other medical problems. I am pretty much med free for fibro right now but summer is a mild time for me.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. try buying a heating pad:i use that!

    yo can try sitting in a bathtub,with warm water and slowly add more hot water to it.

    I get acupuncture.

    I have IBS,acupuncture helps:i have bad cramps, and pain in a couple joints(always the same ones)

  4. if heat doesn't work--try cold--most people are helped with heat--but it does nothing fro me--cold does...

    FMS is beleived to be neuro in nature-

    pain meds such as narcotics tend not to help-

    the beuro meds show teh most promise--Tramadol took the edge off fro me-

    also cymbalta and lyrica are recommended

    Gabapentin, neurontin, lyrica are antiseizure meds

  5. Honey I feel your pain. I have SLE, Fibro and degenerative arthritis. Please see your Doctor about increasing pain meds. Ask about a non addictive drug called Gabapentin, it works wonders for some people. Invest in an electric blanket as heat helps. Physio will help also as will gentle massage. Getting a good nights sleep is paramount to help you cope so ask Doctor about meds to help you sleep. For now take your pain meds and wait for half an hour then have a nice warm bath (if you don't have electric blanket at the moment) then crawl into bed with a good book which will help you take your mind off your pain. Even watching a good movie on the sofa will help but keep warm.  If it is unbearable please go to ER or call your Doctor for help.

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