
I have Greek Oyzo, Never had it, how can I make a good tasting drink with it?

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I have a botle of Greek Oyzo. Whats the best drink I can make with it? I hear they put orange or honey .




  1. In Greece we drink ouzo but we usually don't put anything in it other than water and ice!!But you should keep in mind that ouzo contains a lot of alcohol so you 'd better eat before you drink!!We usually prepare a plate with some tomatoes,olives,tiropitakia(cheese pies),sausages ect...etc

  2. Greek Ouzo is excellent. Normally served with just a little ice and sip it slowly.

    If you don't like it, send it to me- I have fond memories of sitting on the veranda over-looking the agean sea and sipping ouzo...

  3. I grew up with a Greek family close to me.  They mixed theirs with plain soda, and honey.  Sometimes they would put a cinnamon stick in it.  by the way, if you have never had it before, be careful.  It is very strong and leaves a nasty headache the next day.

  4. Ouzo tastes like licorice, so think candy flavors: citrus fruits work well (OJ, lemon, lime, etc). Generally you just add a touch of water and drink it, though.

  5. Ouzo is meant to be drunk straight....over ice.

  6. It's more of an after dinner drink, and aids with digestion. I'd save it for that purpose. There's pleny of easily attainable liquors more suitable for mixing and drinking whenever.

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