
I have HICCUPS help!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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it hurts i have tried drinking alot holding my breath and standing upsidedown nothing works !




  1. Do not drink water up side down, you can choke from that. Try a lemon wedge with a little sugar on it. Take the lemon wedge, sprinkle sugar on it and bite on it, don't swallow the lemon wedge, just swallow the lemon and sugar juice. relax. I have had  hiccups  in the past that have lasted  for a couple of hours,,perhaps two, but I do the lemon thing with sugar and it goes away.  I would go to an ER, or DR., if it becomes painfull. I hope you are over them by now...good luck

  2. Get someone to scare you. Or go to your local theme park, go on a really scary roller coaster where you can scream heaps...or you can just scream without being scared...not sure if it'll work as well though.

    It hurts!? If it gets too serious go to the doctors.

    Did you like drink while you're standing upside down? lol. That's the one that's supposed to work.

    Oh, you can try sleeping, they might eventually go away.

    Good Luck!

  3. Take a drink of water and it will stop.

  4. The teaspoon of surgar is good, but you must not let it dissolve in your mouth.  The granules scratch the nerve bundle at the back of the throat to address the itch causing the hiccups.  Strawberry jaw with seeds may work and is a bit easier to swallow than surgar.

  5. Try drinking water upside down, start by putting a glass of water on a table next to a big comfy chair and then sit wrong way up in the chair and pour the water on the roof of your mouth a little at a time and swallow. this trick always works for me. best of luck.

  6. Teaspoon of sugar.  

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