
I have HORRIBLE sunburn ... what to do?

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It's not as painful as it looks. I was at the beach laying down on my stomach wearing a shirt designed with 2 holes on the back so my skin was exposed. Unfortunately now those 2 holes are bright red on my back (lucky me) and my upper arm is also red. This happened 5 days ago and did not get any better. It's painful too, but bearable. How do I get rid of it asap?? Thank you so much (I have very sensitive skin.)




  1. For me Nivea after sun seems to the work the best. Normally i would only apply it before i go to bed but if it is bad apply it in the morning aswell and will go away in around 3 days

  2. You have a few choices, first you need to get some aloe vera.  The story on aloe vera is supposedly the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped with cloth containing the lotion.  Hence, it is called the miracle cure.  You can use vinegar and wash cloths.  You make a mixture of warm water and vinegar and use the cloth to bathe the affected parts.  You bathe later to remove the vinegar smell.  You can use Solarcaine Burn Relief.  You will have to keep the red for a while.

    Good luck you baked potato!

  3. aloe and this stuff called BURNJEL WATER-JEL works ammaaaazingly well. It will make it better for sure. Prob at any pharmaceutical store like rite aid or cvs. Its a white bottle.

  4. Take some painkillers for the pain.

    Rub after sun with aloe vera in it every couple of hours.

    When showering use cold to luke warm water so not to irrate it.

    Don't scrub it when washng. I'd avoid the area altogether.

    Wear loose clothing. Ideally cotton.

    If the back patches go across where your bra band sits, go bra less to avoid irration.

    Sleep on your stomach at night so there is no pressure on the sunburn.

  5. You can't get rid of it but try some aloe vera gel. That stuff always helped me when I was sunburned...

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