
I have Hypothyroidism and I am loosing SO much hair I am so depressed please respond!?

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I used to have the thickest most beautiful hair. I was diagnosed with this when I was 10 years old which is the youngest my docter said he had ever seen. Now I am 20 and my hair is so thin I dont' know anyone with hair thinner than mine! I have to empty my brush 3 x a wk. This is so depressing. I just got out of the shower and everytime I ran my hands through I pulled out gobs and gobs.. does it ever grow back?? What can I do??????




  1. Are you on Medication for your Thyroid???? I just went through the same thing. My hair started falling out like crazy so i went to the doctor. They did blood tests, and it showed that i had Hypothyroidism. I went on medication right away, and within a week i noticed less hair coming out. If you are on medication, you need to go back to the doctor because your dose needs to be adjusted. If you are  being properly treated, your hair should not be falling out. I know how you feel, i got terribly depressed when mine was falling out. Please got to the doctor because the longer it falls out, the harder it is for it all to grow back. Good luck and Hugs :-)

  2. Your medication should be keeping the symptoms (such as hair loss) at bay. You need to go back to your doctor and tell him/her that you are still having symptoms and your hair is falling out in clumps. They should adjust your medication.

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