
I have Interview at 1:30pm today?

by Guest21366  |  earlier

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Any tips I should be ready for? I applied for business access course. Thank you




  1. An interview is a two way process. Ask as many relevant questions as you can. Give appropriate answers to their questions that open up discussion rather than cutting it off with a blunt "yes" or "no".

  2. Probably just why you want to do this course and what you are hoping to get out of it and that kind of thing. Good Luck

  3. 1 - be your self.

    2 - try to stay relaxed.

    3 - smile & be confident.

    4 - Good luck :)

  4. 1) Make sure you look smart (obviously!)

    2) Make good eye contact but maintain a respectful attitude.

    3) Try to shake hands when you arrive and leave, or at least greet formally - they will judge you from the moment you walk in the door.

    4) Typical questions you might encounter are:

    a) Why are you interested in this subject?

    b) What are your long term plans after this course?

    c) What exactly do you think this course entails?

    d) What previous experience of this type of thing do you have?

    5) Take deep breaths before and during the interview - remember, they aren't out to get you, they just want to check you are right for the course. But remember - its a two-way process - you are also checking them out and interviewing THEM. You want to ensure this course is right for you too!  

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